<div id="GreenPageHeaders"><h2>Snow & Ice Removal</h2></div>

Our Residential Roof Snow Removal Services make this job much easier. And much safer!
Here in Connecticut, severe winter storms can generate huge snow loads on existing roofing systems. Prolonged cold spells can create ice dams. In either of these situations, you may need residential roof snow removal services.
Here at Connecticut Roofcrafters, we maintain snow removal crews that can safely and quickly remove the snow load while keeping your roof in good condition. Our crews are also experienced in removing ice dams.
How much snow is too much? If you have any doubt, please contact us. To learn more about snow loads, please take the time to read the FEMA Snow Load Safety Guide that outlines all you need to know. Click this link for more information: FEMA Snow Load Safety Guide.
If there is any concern that snow loads may cause a collapse of the roof structure, cease all removal activity, and evacuate the building.
To schedule an appointment for snow or ice removal from your roof please call us Toll Free (888) 612-0798.