Dec 16, 2021 | Architectural Asphalt, Blog
For most homeowners, putting a new roof on their house is, ideally, a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Given the time, cost, and other considerations, it’s little wonder people feel this way. However, the fact is that the average composite asphalt roof – when properly...
Sep 17, 2021 | Architectural Asphalt, Blog, Cedar Shingles, Wood Shingles
Whenever we at Connecticut Roofcrafters install a new or replacement roof on a residence here in Connecticut, what we actually install is a roofing system. Roofing systems consist of four key elements: the structural framing of the roof, the roof sheathing –...
Aug 21, 2021 | Blog, Roof Maintenance
In most cases, modern roofing materials and installation techniques allow roof installers to protect their client’s homes from the elements. That said, nor’easters, tropical storms, or hurricanes such as Hurricane Henri can present roof integrity challenges for...
Oct 7, 2020 | Blog, Gutters, Historic Restoration
Often viewed as the red-headed stepchild of a residential roofing system, gutters are an integral part of your roof and the first line of defense against water damage to your home or foundation. But what if your gutters played more than a functional role in your roof...
Sep 2, 2020 | Blog, Cedar Shingles, Roofing Types, Wood Shingles
When you install as much cedar roofing as we do here at Connecticut Roofcrafters, you are bound to run into jobs where straight wood shingles must be manipulated to conform to roofs misshaped by age (as in many of our historic restoration projects), rounder roofs...
Jul 1, 2020 | Blog, Roof Maintenance
One of the crazier things a Connecticut Homeowner can endure is a mid-summer hail storm. You’d never think to see ice falling from the sky in early July but that’s exactly what a hail storm is and it can be as damaging as it is surprising. When this...